MS Excel Question.2


MS Excel Question Bank.2

1. Which of the following methods cannot be used to enter data in a cell

a. Pressing an arrow key

b. Pressing the Tab key

c. Pressing the Esc key

d. Clicking on the formula bar

2. Which of the following will not cut information?

a. Pressing Ctrl + C

b. Selecting Edit>Cut from the menu

c. Clicking the Cut button on the standard

d. Pressing Ctrl+X

3. Which of the following is not a way to complete a cell entry?

a. Pressing enter

b. Pressing any arrow key on the keyboard

c. Clicking the Enter button on the Formula bar

d. Pressing spacebar

4. You can activate a cell by

a. Pressing the Tab key

b. Clicking the cell

c. Pressing an arrow key

d. All of the above

5. Text formulas:

a. Replace cell references

b. Return ASCII values of characters

c. Concatenate and manipulate text

d. Show formula error value

6. Which of the following is not a basic step in creating a worksheet?

a. Save workbook

b. Modifiy the worksheet

c. Enter text and data

d. Copy the worksheet

7. Hyperlinks can be

a. Text

b. Drawing objects

c. Pictures

d. All of above

8. Which button do you click to add up a series of numbers?

a. The autosum button

b. The Formula button

c. The quicktotal button

d. The total button


9. In a worksheet you can select


a. The entire worksheet

b. Rows

c. Columns

d. All of the above

10. Which area in an excel window allows entering values and formulas

a. Title bar

b. Menu bar

c. Formula bar

d. Standard toolbar


11. MS-EXCEL is based on ……….?
D. OS/2

12. In EXCEL, you can sum a large range of data by simply selecting a tool button called …..?
A. AutoFill
B. Auto correct
C. Auto sum
D. Auto format

13. To select an entire column in MS-EXCEL, press?
B. CTRL + Arrow key
D. None of the above

14. To return the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor in EXCEL we use the function?
A. ROUND ( )
B. FACT ( )
C. MOD ( )
D. DIV ( )

15. Which function is not available in the Consolidate dialog box?
A. Pmt
B. Average
C. Max
D. Sum

16. Which is not the function of “Edit, Clear” command?
A. Delete contents
B. Delete notes
C. Delete cells
D. Delete formats

17. Microsoft Excel is a powerful………..
A. Word processing package
B. Spreadsheet package
C. Communication S/W Package
D. DBMS package

18. How do you rearrange the data in ascending or descending order?
A. Data, Sort
B. Data, Form
C. Data, Table
D. Data Subtotals

19. The box on the chart that contains the name of each individual record is called the

a. cell
b. title
c. axis
d. legend

20. Which is an example of a formula?

a. =A1+A2
b. =add(A1:A2)
c. A1+A2
d. SUM(A1:A2)

21. What is the shortcut key to insert new sheet in current workbook?

a. F11
b. Alt + F11
c. Ctrl + F11
d. Shift + F11

22. Which Chart can be created in Excel?
A. Area
B. Line
C. Pie
D. All of the above

23. What will be the output if you format the cell containing 5436.8 as ‘#,##0.00’?
A. 5,430.00
B. 5,436.80
C. 5,436.8
D. 6.8

24. How do you display current date and time in MS Excel?
A. date ()
B. Today ()
C. now ()
D. time ()

25. How do you display current date only in MS Excel?
A. date ()
B. Today ()
C. now ()
D. time ()


26. How do you wrap the text in a cell?
A. Format, cells, font
B. Format, cells, protection
C. format, cells, number
D. Format, cells, alignment

27. What does COUNTA () function do?
A. counts cells having alphabets
B. counts empty cells
C. counts cells having number
D. counts non-empty cells

28. What is the short cut key to highlight the entire column?
A. Ctrl+C
B. Ctrl+Enter
C. Ctrl+Page Up
D. Ctrl+Space Bar

29. In the formula, which symbol specifies the fixed columns or rows?
A. $
B. *
C. %
D. &

30. Excel displays the current cell address in the ……….
A. Formula bar
B. Status Bar
C. Name Box
D. Title Bar



31. What is the correct way to refer the cell A10 on sheet3 from sheet1?
A. sheet3!A10
B. sheet1!A10
C. Sheet3.A10
D. A10

32. Which language is used to create macros in Excel?
A. Visual Basic
B. C
C. Visual C++
D. Java

33. Which of the following is not a term of MS-Excel?
A. Cells
B. Rows
C. Columns
D. Document

34. How many worksheets can a workbook have?
A. 3
B. 8
C. 255
D. none of above

35. Which would you choose to create a bar diagram?
A. Edit, Chart
B. Insert, Chart
C. Tools, Chart
D. Format, Chart

36. Which setting you must modify to print a worksheet using letterhead?
A. Paper
B. Margin
C. Layout
D. Orientation



37. What do you call the chart that shows the proportions of how one or more data elements relate to another data element?
A. XY Chart
B. Line Chart
C. Pie Chart
D. Column Chart

38. The spelling dialog box can be involved by choosing spelling from ________ menu.
A. insert
B. file
C. tools
D. view

39. Which key do you press to check spelling?
A. F3
B. F5
C. F7
D. F9

40. To record a sequence of keystrokes and mouse actions to play back later we use:
A. Media player
B. Sound Recorder
C. Calculator
D. Macro Recorder

41. We can save and protect the workbook by
A. Write Reservation Password
B. Protection Password
C. Read-only Recommended
D. Any of the above

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